Pangenomics Benchmark & Workbench

A major challenge in computational pangenomics is the memory- and time-efficient analysis of multiple genomes in parallel. Many software tools used in the current research follow the idea of colored k-mer sets to efficiently index and query a large collection of strings, but use different strategies when it comes to the implementation. The aim of this project is to evaluate the different solutions and establish a standard interface.

PanBench (Pangenomics Benchmark and Workbench) is an open catalog of software tools for computational pangenomics and is an example of what such a common interface makes possible. It allows users and developers to search for tools by different criteria, compare the performance of these tools, and test each tool in a user-friendly web interface before downloading and installing the software on their local machine.

You can browse the list of tools and interface. For some tools, it is also possible to upload your own data for analysis.
The service is currently still in development. Please submit bug reports and feature requests to